This page displays sold house prices for The Hopmarket in Worcester.
The Hopmarket in Worcester WR1 consists predominantly of flats. Properties on The Hopmarket typically have values around £150,000 - £200,000, ranging up to around £200,000 for top end flats.
30 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£65,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
31st October 2000 |
30 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£129,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
25th October 2004 |
30 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£33,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
26th March 1999 |
30 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£82,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
16th June 2003 |
30 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£72,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
26th April 2002 |
60 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£115,000 |
Terraced house, Leasehold |
31st January 2007 |
60 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£99,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
22nd October 2004 |
62 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£85,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
1st May 2001 |
62 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£108,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
14th October 2005 |
62 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£45,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
18th September 2000 |
62 The Hopmarket, Worcester WR1 1DD
£119,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
19th October 2006 |